Welcome to John Calvin Quotes! Nothing but pure text quotes 🙂
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(For a quick introduction to John Calvin see https://www.johncalvinquotes.com/home/ )
Calvin wrote:
“We call predestination God’s eternal decree, which he compacted with himself what he willed to become of each man. For all are NOT CREATED IN EQUAL CONDITION; rather, eternal life is FOREORDAINED for some, eternal DAMNATION FOR OTHERS” (Institutes 3.21.5; Calvin 1960:926).
Calvin wrote:
“We assert that, with respect to the elect, this plan was founded upon his freely given mercy, without regard to human worth; but by his just and irreprehensible but incomprehensible judgment he has barred to door of life to those whom he has given over to damnation” (Institutes 3.21.7, Calvin 1960:931; see also Institutes 3.22.1, Calvin 1960:932).
Calvin wrote:
“Therefore, though all of us are by nature suffering from the same disease, only those whom it pleases the Lord to touch with his healing hand will get well. The others, whom he, in his righteous judgment, passes over, waste away in their own rottenness until they are consumed. There is no other reason why some persevere to the end, while others fall at the beginning of the course” (Institutes 2.5.3; Calvin 1960:320).
Calvin on Perseverance wrote:
“For perseverance itself is indeed also a gift of God, which he does not bestow on all indiscriminately, but imparts to whom he pleases. If one seeks the reason for the difference–why some steadfastly persevered, and others fail out of instability–none occurs to us other than that the Lord upholds the former, strengthening them by his own power, that they may not perish; while to the latter, that they may be examples of inconstancy, he does not impart the same power” (Institutes 2.5.3; Calvin 1960:320).
Calvin wrote:
“Augustine is so wholly with me, that if I wished to write a confession of my faith, I could do so with all fullness and satisfaction to myself out of his writings.”
AUGUSTINE said: “I should not believe the gospel unless I were moved to do so by the authority of the [Catholic ] Church.”–Saint Augustine of Hippo
(Please note that sometimes some words were CAPITALIZED in order to bring strong attention to the importance of the novel ideas Calvin taught.)